My paintings originate from sketches born from my imagination as well as visual cues that I see each day as I am walking or driving in my car. The initial sketch is always altered and often eliminated as the image develops. By building up several layers of oil paint mixed with varying amounts of a… Continue reading Alex Abajian
Category: Painting
Adam Thomas
In my artistic journey, I have tried many styles and methods. My recent exploration was with wax medium and a heat gun. I wanted to take images of nature like rocks or the ocean, abstract them and create a new landscape of colors. Even though these abstract pieces are successful and beautiful on their own,… Continue reading Adam Thomas
Alan Salabert
In 1999 Alan Salabert began working on a series he entitled “Primary Sketches: Man Language Culture”. In its inception, this series touched upon his own theoretical reflections pertaining to the nature of man. His work has since evolved into an intrinsic investigation of color, texture, and composition inspired by artists such as Mark Rothko and… Continue reading Alan Salabert
Ahavani Mullen
My work participates in the interplay between the seen world and the unseen world. Navigating the hidden and the revealed, it explores how the earth plane and the higher, inner worlds blend with each other and complete each other. I engage in the process of creating art as a spiritual practice, drawing on inner experiences… Continue reading Ahavani Mullen
Adam Benjamin Fung
Using disparate subject matter that ranges from nebulous star fields to snow capped volcanoes to ominous icebergs to the metamorphosis of birch veneer; my paintings aim to capture a natural world in flux. Navigating this uncertain terrain reveals a shifting paradigm and dispels the concept of nature as a static, willing participant in our plans.… Continue reading Adam Benjamin Fung
Aaron Wooten
I paint with a tinge of absurdity, like Sisyphus’ ball beginning to roll back down the hill. My life reflects this. My political art, caricatures, nudes and landscapes reflect this. I have developed it into my style and I think it is fun, so it is what I paint. Enjoy.
Adriana Poterash
My camera is always with me to collect images of daily objects, random people, scenes of nature, street events and to fuse them into a surreal world of uncommon alliances. Although, some paintings are compiled of figurative elements, their main essence stays strongly conceptual. Time loses its chronology, views warp into a distorted perspective, images… Continue reading Adriana Poterash
Amy O. Woodbury
Victoria Loeb
In my paintings I like to focus on what’s suggested, rather than interpret what is shown. Mystery intrigues me and is always present in my work, by leaving an open space for the onlooker between what is shown and what is not; a space in which they are the ones who conclude the work, by… Continue reading Victoria Loeb