Ekphrasis – Poetry of Seeing

ART | Poetry

Ekphrasis – Poetry of Seeing

DreamBox Gallery invites you for a CONVERSATION about ART and POETRY with LIDIA ROZMUS.

Saturday, January 27th, from 4pm-6pm

The impact of Japanese aesthetics on the work and life of Georgia O’Keeffe and her art as an inspiration for haiku poets.

While Georgia O’Keeffe is not known to have composed haiku, she certainly knew of them. Japanese aesthetics infused her work from the beginning, and the evidence can be found not only in her paintings but also in her studio and living spaces.

Lidia Rozmus presents a series of O’Keeffe paintings, each paired with a haiku poem inspired by O’Keeffe’s visible connection to nature through her colors, forms and rhythms.

Lidia Rozmus is an art editor of Modern Haiku and Mayfly, and art director at Deep North Press. She works as a graphic designer, paints sumi-e and oils, and writes haiku. Her paintings have been exhibited and her haiku published in the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Poland.

Ekphrasis – Poetry of Seeing is the theme chosen by a group of artists and poets who meet on the last Saturday of each month (from 4pm-6pm) for CONVERSATION with EACH OTHER about ART and POETRY. Everyone attending is welcome to bring their own art and ideas to expand the conversation. Suggested donation: $5.00.

Any questions? Please email: Iwona Biedermann | dreamboxgallery@gmail.com

DREAMBOX GALLERY | 2415 W. North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 I Contemporary art venue based in Chicago since 2003
