Tom Robinson – multi media artist, curator, arts administrator, competition founder and judge, innovator – has been a driving force in the Chicago art scene for over 25 years. Tom is a productive working artist exploring figure drawing, oil painting, sculpture, and furniture design and construction from his new 3000 sq. ft. North Avenue studio/storefront. He has completed many series of paintings, sculptures and numerous commissions for collectors around the country.
Tom worked with the Chicago Artist Coalition for three years setting up “Chicago Artists Month”. From this experience he conceived of a large non-juried art show for the whole of Chicago. Through collaboration with CAC’s Betty Anne Mocek and the Art Institute’s Tony Jones, the idea was brought to life “The Chicago Art Open”. This highly successful show is now an annual event.
Tom’s Sunday workshop, teaching life drawing to classes of 8 -15 people in his studio is in it’s 18th year. From drawings he creates in this workshop Tom has started to manipulate them in Adobe Photoshop CS 3 into larger and more intense works of art.