I paint simple objects in all their richness and detail. I create timeless scenes in an atmosphere of silence where light, space and texture reveal emotions and memories.
In the process of preparing my work, I capture suspended instants, writing, drawing and taking pictures. This reality becomes the substance that I will use to build the scenes and their narratives. In the act of painting I am balancing craft with the literary quality of my pieces. I work from within and reflecting on life and also from the senses, looking for a connection between reality, perception and internal life. Objects and intimate spaces are transformed to become characters and landscapes in endless sequences of moments, metaphors of life, stories.
The viewer is immersed in the scene, lost in the detail. Colors and forms take over, evoking emotions and unraveling a narrative. I want to present something beautiful—an object of craft with intrinsic value—but I am very interested in the experience, inviting the viewer to spend enough time in intimate observation, offering the opportunity for introspection and serene contemplation of complexity.
A group of white roses fill the space of the canvas, as I filter the autumn light that comes from the window, and at the same time I remember changes and transformations in my life. All this gets integrated in the process and give life to the scene. The simple object, the present moment, memories and expectations, all are part of the experience of painting and viewing.
My future work will be about women, and their free nature.
Website: www.mishanorman.com