I am a Chicago based artist, creating art varying from mixed media fine art pieces to graphic novels. My subject matter is usually on the place where urban decay and nature meet. I draw from what’s around me, and usually use objects found within the city to make art on. This year I have been working on a Chicago flag themed show, as well as other projects. I have work currently on display at the Morseland in Rogers Park, Downtown Bar and Lounge, the Northdown in Roscoe Village as well as pieces in group shows at D-Vision and the Right Brained gallery in Oak Park. I recently won a Pabst Blue Ribbon contest that will place one of the Chicago flags on a billbaord on the side of the Green Eye at the Western stop on the Blue line. I also just won a Jackalope contest, so I got a free coffee mug, which was very nice of them.
Website: johnairo.com