Janet Hamilton

My work is inspired by the contrast between natural beauty and urban decay. I see beauty in anything aged or distressed like a rusty door or decaying wall and try to bring those elements into my work. I’m intrigued by the power of color and how it can evoke an emotion or create a mood. I try to combine strong color relationships with heavy textures to bring out that bold expression.

My process is spontaneous and gestural with an element of sculpture. I stack, layer, and scrape the paint using various knives to create the desired depth and texture. The paint becomes the subject and takes on the direction and energy expressed.

My recent body of work features a series of basic geometric abstracts. They are carefully arranged and have a slightly weathered feeling to them. I use the grid as a means of creating structure, while the colors and textures crash and collide on the canvas. I enjoy blending elements of basic simplicity with layered complexity. These compositions are freed from the everyday images in my mind to create a new form of visual energy.

Website: www.janetlhamilton.com