Dariusz Labuzek

Dariusz Labuzek was born in Jaworzno, Poland and studied architecture at Cracow’s Institute of Technology and film at Humboldt State University, California.

His recent paintings feature a unique combination of abstract and figurative imagery that explores the relationship between man and nature.

He creates in a vigorous and often spontaneous manner, allowing himself to be carried away in the direction indicated by the hand of intuitive lines, color, and form.  It is often the subliminal mind that creates the initial medley of shapes and spaces, and the artist who makes the choice of exaggerating or diminishing various areas and characters.

His stimulating expression of the environment draws us into an effervescent, playful, and exciting world full of organic forms and shapes, imploring us to seek out the details and subtleties of nature and explore our relationship with it.

Dariusz has a rich international exhibition history and has most recently exhibited at the Degenerate Art Gallery in his current hometown, Chicago, Illinois. He was also recently featured in Saatchi Art’s “Invest in Art” series.

Website: www.dariuszlabuzekart.com