Elephant Room Fundraiser Event at Lacuna Artist Lofts

Chicago, Il – Since first opening its gallery doors in the South Loop nearly 6 years ago, Elephant Room has expanded into curating pop-up exhibitions in various other locations and amped up their programming at the gallery. The overall mission has always been to promote local artists who are currently emerging onto the scene, by fostering collaborations, community events and accessibility for all. Elephant Room’s growth and expansion has allowed its mission to flourish and foster more connections between artists and communities alike.

Elephant Room will be hosting its first big fundraising event at The Reverie Gallery at Lacuna Artists Lofts (2150 S Canalport Ave.) on Saturday, May 2nd from 7 to 10pm. ART IN THE ROOM will be an evening full of art, conversation, music and much more! There will be a silent art auction featuring artwork by several Chicago-based artists including Jaime Foster, Lewis Graham Taylor (YAMS), and Abraham. SentRock, Christie Chew-Wallace and YAMS will paint live pieces which will also be up for the silent auction. Sounds will be provided by the talented DJ Hegemony throughout the entire evening. Craft beer has been generously donated by Finch’s Beer Co. and wine donated by Domaine St. George. Appetizers and other complimentary drinks will also be provided. Tickets are $60 at the door, but guests can purchase tickets online now through Elephant Room’s

Eventbrite page for $50 or $90 for a pair. Another option for purchasing online is to make a tax-deductible donation to Elephant Room’s Fractured Atlas page for the ticket amount. With this option, the purchaser must leave their name so that they will be placed on the Will Call list at the door.

The Eventbrite link for purchasing tickets can be found on Elephant Room’s website, The Fractured Atlas link can also be found on the website under Growth and Expansion in the slideshow on the homepage.

About Elephant Room

Elephant Room is an intimate gallery located at 704 S Wabash Ave. in the South Loop neighborhood of Chicago. The organization focuses on exhibiting local, underrepresented visual artists who address their own narratives through their art-making. Many of the artists incorporate current cultural, social, economic or political themes, making them relevant, contemporary artists. The gallery rotates art exhibitions about every 6 weeks, welcomes other artists, curators and designers to host their own pop-ups, and exhibits pop-ups in other spaces around the city. They run an Intern Placement Program that has been instrumental in providing local artists, students and recent graduates with valuable work experience and networking opportunities. The organization works closely with the local community and continually seeks out new ways to serve as a resource to artists, students and others while helping establish a thriving arts environment both in the South Loop and all over the city.